Orange County Soccer League is a New York women's soccer league established in 2001. when a realization dawned on a “soccer mom” that she would rather be playing than watching - but there was no where locally for women to play. Now, with a summer season having no less than six in-house competitive teams and a soccer club division, there is a place to play and over 100 women to play with!
This recreational league invites any woman age 20 and over to come and play...whether you’re stepping onto the soccer field for the 1st time or the 1,001st time. And don’t be fooled by the name...we may be in Orange County, but you need not be a resident of the county - or even of the state - in order to join..

Semi-Competitive and Non-Competitive
All players must wear shin guards
Cleats or indoor soccer shoes are not required but recommended.
No slide tackling.
Teams will consist of 15 - 18 players for outdoor seasons.
Games will be played with 11 players including a goalie on each team
Games will consist of two 25 minute halves.
All games are required to start on time as displayed by the schedule.
Games starting late will be cut short.
Players will be contacted by their team captain(s) before the season starts and will receive their team roster, schedule and jersey before their first game.
Teams have the option to schedule practices at the direction of the captain(s)
If a team does not have 6 players of their own by 15 minutes after the scheduled game time, they forfeit.
When playing a team that does not have enough players, the opponent may play with only one more player(s) or choose to have an equal number of players. The team with insufficient players may utilize players from other teams within the league as substitutes. These subs must enter the game within the first half in order to play the full game.
Yellow and red cards may be issued at the discretion of the referee.
Games are run in a pick-up style with the mixing of teams each week.
Games run for the full session with breaks.
Players will be contacted by the organizers before the season starts and receive their jerseys at their first game.
PLEASE REMEMBER: The NON-COMPETITIVE League is a non-competitive division and the primary objective is to enjoy soccer and HAVE FUN.

Welcome to the home page of the Orange County Soccer League for Women’s Soccer. This New York State league was started in 2001 when a realization dawned on a “soccer mom” that she would rather be playing than watching - but there was no where locally for women to play. Now, with a summer season having no less than six in-house competitive teams and a soccer moms division, there is a
place to play and over 100 women to play with!
This recreational league invites any woman age 20 and over to come and play...whether you’re stepping onto the soccer field for the 1st time or the 1,001st time. And don’t be fooled by the name...we may be in Orange County, but you need not be a resident of the county - or even of the state - in order to join.
Orange County Soccer League